Pelita Teknologi <p>Pelita Teknologi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika, Arsitektur, Teknik Lingkungan, Teknik Industri, Teknik Sipil, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian is published by the Center of Research and Community Service, Pelita Bangsa University. The journal holds a printed version of ISSN&nbsp;2301-475X and online version of&nbsp; ISSN&nbsp;2656-7059. <br>The journal focused on original research, theoretical&nbsp;and review paper discussing a wide range of trans-disciplinary&nbsp;studies on technology, that include Environmental&nbsp;Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Architecture, Informatic Technology, Geographic Informatic System, Applied technology&nbsp;and related fields. <br>For submitting your article, please follow this link and follow the author guidelines to meet our criteria for the journal. For further information and assistance, please reach us at</p> en-US (Herol, S.T., M.T.) (Admin Jurnal) Mon, 06 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Potensi Pengolahan Limbah Padi Menjadi Sumber Energi Listrik Terbarukan yang Bersih dan Terjangkau <p>Indonesia has a level of agricultural productivity which tends to increase every year as a result of optimizing farmer performance and being supported by large and fertile agricultural land. The abundant production of agricultural products, especially rice production, provides convenience in obtaining food sources forpeople in agrarian countries. On the other hand, processing rice into rice products as the main food source produces waste products which are commonly referred to as waste. Waste has been a subject of world concern for a long time in the design of innovation and technology for its management. The management of rice waste, which is abundant in quantity, needs to be carried out optimally with the right methods and processes so as not to interfere with the sustainability of productivity in the future. Researchers examine these methods and processes in an effort to optimize the potential of rice waste by converting it into renewable electrical energy. With qualitative and quantitative approaches, this research provides solutions in the form of incineration and gasification methods as optimal handling of ricewaste and answers the increasing demand for electrical energy. A high level of production consistency and maximum waste utilization can be easily achieved with a technology that is structured, safe, easy to operate and environmentally friendly. The management of rice waste into a source of electrical energy is expected to reduce the use of fossil-fueled to the Net Zero 2060 launched by the government. That way, the environmental balance will be maintained in Era Society 5.0. in the future, where electricity is the main need for humans who live side by side with technology. The abundance of biomass in Indonesia which is managed optimally is expected to be a solution to the need for renewable energy. The results of this study are expected to be a reference in further design and development.</p> Ufiya Sabrina Aqila Tamma, Allia Nur Shafira Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Sistem Informasi Geografis Tanah Bersertifikat Pada Desa Kersik Kecamatan Marangkayu Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara <p>The development of information technology is currently causing significant changes in various fields including community administration services at the Village Office. One of the information technologies used is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which is used as a tool for storing, manipulating, analyzing and displaying spatial data and its attributes. Kersik Village in Marangkayu Sub-District, Kutai Kartanegara District currently does not yet have a functioning certified forest information system, thus attacking the community in accessing information about certified land. Therefore, a geographic information system for certified land is needed in Kersik Village to make it easier for the community to access information related to certified land. This system will also assist the village government in managing certified land data, such as location, area, and landowner information. This system is expected to increase efficiency and transparency in the management of certified land data in Kersik Village, Marangkayu Sub-District, Kutai Kartanegara Districk.</p> Annafi Franz, Salman, Bagus Satria Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Sistem Layanan Pelanggan Menggunakan BOT WHATSAPP Pada Usaha Kaos Sablon <p><em>Screen printing t-shirt business on a large scale level can be included as a manufacturing business. In the screen printing t-shirt business, business actors often focus more on t-shirt production and printing designs, so that the container for customer information is often overlooked. With more and more customers in the screen printing t-shirt business, businesses often take up their time in serving and providing information to customers. The media that customers usually use in asking for information is usually via WhatsApp. The implementation of customer service using whatsapp bots in screen printing t-shirt businesses is expected to be a solution so that good relations are maintained between customers and businesses.</em></p> Soma Setiawan Ponco Nugroho; Muhammad Najamuddin Dwi Miharja, Achmad Ridwan, Suprapto Copyright (c) 2023 Pelita Teknologi Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000