Sistem Monitoring Suhu Dan Kelembapan Udara Berbasis Internet Of Things Pada Ruang Kerja Proses Injection Molding


  • Donny Maulana Universitas Pelita Bangsa
  • Ikhsanudin ikhsanudin Universitas Pelita Bangsa


The development of technology is currently growing very rapidly and can be felt in the industrial world and in society, one of which is the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the work environment. The work environment is all things or elements that can affect directly or indirectly the organization or company that will have a good or bad impact on employee performance and job satisfaction. The purpose of this research on temperature and humidity monitoring systems is to monitor the stability of temperature and humidity in the injection molding process workspace, where room temperature is related to the engine cooling temperature and affects the results of production. This temperature and humidity monitoring system is designed using the NodeMCU ESP8266 module and the DHT11 sensor using the Arduino IDE program C language and the Thingspeak web server. In this research, the methodology used is the prototype methodology. The prototype model is a technique to collect certain information about the user's information needs quickly. As a result, manual thermometers can be replaced with Internet of Things-based temperature sensors. The temperature and humidity monitoring system can be applied in the injection molding process workspace so that it can speed up the response by the facility in the event of an abnormality in room temperature.

Keywords: Internet of Things, Thingspeak, NodeMCU ESP8266, DHT11 Sensor




How to Cite

D. Maulana and I. ikhsanudin, “Sistem Monitoring Suhu Dan Kelembapan Udara Berbasis Internet Of Things Pada Ruang Kerja Proses Injection Molding”, SAINTEK, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 329-336, Aug. 2022.