Prediksi Pengangkatan Karyawan Dengan Metode Klasifikasi Algoritma C5.0 (Studi Kasus CV. T-Pico Jaya Mandiri)


  • Suprapto Suprapto Universitas Pelita Bangsa
  • Fahrul Fahrezi J.T Universitas Pelita Bangsa
  • Edora Edora Universitas Pelita Bangsa


In the decision to appoint permanent employees that can be made at the company is determined in terms of attendance and good discipline. Determination of the appointment of permanent employees at CV. T-PICO JAYA MANDIRI still looks imprecise and takes a long time. Then a study was conducted that aims to determine the prediction information on permanent employee appointments by looking at the criteria set by the company using the C5.0 classification algorithm with the decision tree method. The data used in this study are employee data owned by CV. T-PICO JAYA MANDIRI as many as 403 data, the process of testing the method using Rapid Miner9.5. Based on the results of testing on research in predicting employee appointments at CV. T-PICO JAYA MANDIRI, obtained the result from the C5.0 algorithm or decision tree, which is an accuracy of 90.00%. So it can be concluded that the C5.0 algorithm technique with the decision tree method is considered successful in predicting employee appointments at CV. T- PICO JAYA MANDIRI.

Keywords: Employee Recruitment, Classification, C5.0 Algorithm.





