Development of Potaki Media for Critical Reasoning in Science Learning for Grade IV Elementary School Students
Bernalar Kritis, Media Potaki, Pembelajaran IPASAbstract
The current learning situation still relies heavily on blackboard media, while the use of concrete media is limited. This is due to the limitations of teachers in preparing learning media. As a result, students tend to be passive and show low critical reasoning skills. This is evident from their inability to complete the given project assignments, especially in the subject of Science, based on interviews with grade IV teachers. This study aims to develop and assess the feasibility of Potaki media (Pop-Up Book Puzzles) in improving the critical reasoning skills of grade IV students. The results showed that material experts gave a score of 95% (very feasible), media experts 91.6% (very feasible), and teacher responses 83.3% (very feasible). In the limited trial, the first stage student response (5 students) scored 78.5% (feasible), while the second stage (19 students) scored 82.1% (very feasible). Students' critical reasoning skills also increased with a score of 86.8% (very critical).
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