Fostering the Character of Love for the Country Through Traditional Games: A Character Education Case Study in Indonesia


  • Zulela M.S. Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
  • Vina Iasha SD Negeri Pondok Bambu 06 Jakarta



Traditional games, Character education, Love of the homeland, Local culture, Local wisdom, patriotism education


Traditional games are a vital cultural heritage with significant educational value for character education. This study examines their role in fostering a love-for-homeland character among Indonesian children. Employing a qualitative approach, data were collected through observations of school activities, semi-structured interviews with teachers, parents, and students, and document analysis. The findings reveal that games like gobak sodor and congklak instill values such as cooperation, responsibility, and respect for local culture, while enhancing children's understanding of national identity. However, challenges such as limited school time and children’s preference for digital games hinder their application. To address these issues, the study proposes incorporating traditional games into extracurricular programs, using interactive teaching strategies, and fostering community involvement to sustain cultural practices. This research concludes that traditional games serve as an effective medium for character education, emphasizing their potential in cultivating patriotism and preserving cultural heritage.

Author Biography

Zulela M.S., Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Department of Basic Education


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How to Cite

M.S., Z., & Iasha, V. (2024). Fostering the Character of Love for the Country Through Traditional Games: A Character Education Case Study in Indonesia. DIKODA JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SEKOLAH DASAR, 5(2), 85-95.