Efisisiensi Biaya Listrik Dengan Penerapan Lean Six Sigma (Studi Kasus di PT X di Cikarang)


  • Sugeng Budi Rahardjo Universitas Pelita Bangsa
  • Andriani Andriani

Kata Kunci:

Production Cost Efficiency, Electric Energy Cost, Manufacturing Company, Lean Six Sigma Method


PT X is a manufacturing company located in the Ejip industrial area, each month using an average of 950 KWH of electricity every month, where the electricity tariff in the area is 10% more expensive per KWH than using PLN. The ratio of electricity costs to turnover averaged 4 - 5% each month, this was very burdensome, so a project was created with the hope of a decrease of Rp. 200 million every month. The method used is Lean Six Sigma, where the project is carried out for 3 months. From the results of implementing Six Sigma, the company can find out the dominant cause and from the project costs can be reduced by 9% or 83 KWH every month.




Cara Mengutip

Rahardjo, S. B., & Andriani, A. (2021). Efisisiensi Biaya Listrik Dengan Penerapan Lean Six Sigma (Studi Kasus di PT X di Cikarang). JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI, 1(2), 46-53. Diambil dari https://jurnal.pelitabangsa.ac.id/index.php/JUTIN/article/view/623

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